Extra Money Through Contests, Giveaways & Sweepstakes


Can You Really Earn a Side Income Through Contests & Giveaways?

I never bothered to enter a Publishers Clearing House contest, but I’ve participated in plenty of lower-key contests and giveaways over the years. I’ve also done a good amount of research on the contest and giveaway landscape, and some things have become abundantly clear.

Like gambling at casinos and playing a state lottery, participating in contests and giveaways is not a suitable replacement for regular income. The overwhelming odds are that you’ll never win a substantial prize, so don’t plan on making enough to replace your regular income.

But that’s not to say you shouldn’t play at all. A modest cash prize, retailer gift card, or tickets to your favorite sports team’s next home game could still be in your future. Here’s what you need to know before getting started.

Common Types of Contests & Giveaways

Most contests and giveaways fall into one of these four categories. Some fall into more than one — for instance, contests pairing generous all-cash grand prizes with lesser merchandise prizes for runners-up.

1. Cash Prizes

Cash prizes are popular because you can use your winnings however you choose. Payouts are usually made via paper check, direct deposit, or secure peer-to-peer transfer such as PayPal. Payouts may be one-time or recurring. Publishers Clearing House, for example, offers prizes that pay out weekly, monthly, and annually for life.

Under IRS rules, nonprofit contest sponsors may be required to withhold 25% of the cash prize to cover the winner’s federal tax bill.

ExamplesPrizeGrab , Publishers Clearing House , ESPN Streak

2. Gift Cards & Certificates

In terms of versatility, gift cards are second only to cash. Gift cards and certificates may be merchant-specific, such as store gift cards, or general-purpose like Visa, Mastercard, or Amazon gift cards.

Bear in mind that gift cards may be treated as cash for tax purposes.

ExamplesPrizeGrab (various merchants), Giveaway Monkey (various merchants)

3. Merchandise

This category covers everything from throwaway items like coasters and notebooks to high-value durable goods like luxury cars and boats.

One particularly generous example is the HGTV Smart Home 2018 giveaway, whose $1.6 million prize package included a 3-bedroom, 3.5-bath home in coastal South Carolina, $100,000 cash, and a Mercedes-Benz 2018 GLC 350e 4MATIC plug-in hybrid.

ExamplesPolaris Slingshot giveaway (ends Sept. 30, 2020)

4. Experiences & Entertainment

This category covers everything from regular-priced movie tickets to front-row seats at celebrity-studded special events to all-expenses-paid international vacations.

Like merchandise prizes, experience prizes are often eclectic. The 48th annual Pillsbury Bake-Off Contest grand prize, for instance, included a trip to New York City, a magazine feature, a kitchen remodel, and $50,000 cash. ExxonMobil’s “Every Fill-up Is a Chance to Win” Promotion grand prize included a three-day, two-night trip for two to the 2018 NBA Finals: round-trip airfare, two nights in a hotel, two tickets to a Finals game, and $500 in spending money — all told, an estimated $5,000 value.

ExamplesPillsbury Bake-Off ContestEvery Fill-up Is a Chance to Win

8 Tips to Win More From Contests & Giveaways

Follow these best practices to increase your chances of winning valuable prizes and boost your total contest and giveaway earnings.

1. Enter as Many Contests as You Can (and as Often as You Can)

Electrical engineer Hunter Scott devised an ingenious time-saving tool for serial contest entrants. As CNN Money reported, Scott created a bot that relentlessly scans Twitter for free, easy-to-enter contest opportunities. He claims the bot won him more than 1,000 contests and giveaways in less than a year, although most prizes had little tangible value.

You don’t have to go to such great lengths to increase your odds of winning — and probably shouldn’t because as many contests explicitly ban bot-assisted entries. Scott won less than 1% of the contests he entered, and there’s no reason you should expect to do better. That said, the laws of probability do favor frequent entrants.

When contests allow multiple entries per person, enter as often as practically possible. This may require taking a specific action each day, or multiple times per day, for the duration of the contest. You’re the judge of whether the effort is worthwhile to you.

2. Take Extra Action to Earn Bonus Entries

Contest sponsors often reward entrants willing to go the extra mile to increase their odds of winning. They might dole out additional entries to participants who share a promotional message on social media, sign up for an email list, or join a customer loyalty club.

Always be on the lookout for these opportunities; they rarely require much time or effort on your part. One of my favorite travel vendors, Scott’s Cheap Flights, periodically runs free flight giveaways that provide extra entries to participants who post referral links on their social media accounts.

3. Create a Master List to Stay Organized

You can bookmark multiple websites with long, aggregated lists of prize opportunities that change daily, but you’ll keep better track of everything with a spreadsheet or text document of your own making.

Format this list however you see fit. Include any information that will help you decide whether to participate and then help you stay on top of each entry, such as:

  • Sponsor and contest name
  • Prize types and amounts
  • Number of entries allowed
  • Entry requirements
  • Entry deadline
  • Notification date
  • Claim window and method
  • Other important details such as transferability and bonus entry opportunities

Use a color-coding scheme to track and organize your contests by category:

  • Contests you’re considering but haven’t yet entered
  • Contests you’ve entered
  • Contests you haven’t won
  • Contests you’ve won, including prizes won

When contests recur monthly or annually, save prior iterations on your list to track how prizes and entry requirements change over time.

4. Find Opportunities That Align With Your Talents

Plenty of contests are so easy you could practically enter them in your sleep, but the most fulfilling opportunities ask more. If you have the bandwidth and inclination to enter contests that require more than an email address or a social share, look for entry requirements that speak to your interests or align with your talents, such as a fantasy short story, a witty photo caption, or an artistic Instagram post with the perfect hashtag.

A couple of years back, on a flight to Seattle, I came across what seemed like a slam-dunk contest opportunity in the in-flight magazine. To enter, all you had to do was pose with the magazine in any destination served by the airline. The prize: 20,000 airline loyalty miles, enough for a flight to any city in the continental U.S. The most recent winner had posed at sunset before a marshy lake in Orlando, Florida — pretty, but underwhelming, I thought. I could do better.

Well, I tried. Once we were on the ground, I pocketed the magazine, took the train into the city, hiked up to the base of the Space Needle, and took what I assumed would be the perfect Seattle selfie.

Sadly, it wasn’t. The photo was horribly backlit, the magazine’s cover barely visible, and there was a glowing orb where the observation deck should have been. I tried different angles and poses, but nothing worked. Clearly, I wasn’t cut out to be a photographer. In the end, I didn’t even bother sending in a photo entry.

The experience was fun but humbling. Next time, I’ll stick to writing, something I know I’m good at.

5. Seek Out Contests With High-Probability Prizes

Publishers Clearing House’s grand prizes aren’t technically too good to be true because people do win them occasionally. But the likelihood of any one entrant striking pay dirt is exceedingly low.

Not all contests are as destined to disappoint. Some sweepstakes offer thousands or even tens of thousands of individual prizes. Usually, higher-probability prizes are lower in value — think movie tickets, umbrellas, small-denomination gift cards, and free subscriptions to a digital content streaming platform.

But remember our intrepid developer friend. Enter a few hundred low-value sweepstakes, and you’re bound to win a consolation prize or two.

6. Look for Contests With Transferable Prizes

Many sweepstakes tell entrants to take it or leave it. If you don’t like the prizes being offered, they say, don’t bother entering.

Some contest sponsors are more flexible and allow winners to transfer or exchange their prizes for something of comparable or lesser value — most often cash or cash equivalents. Transferability is an attractive perk for picky entrants who can’t pass up the opportunity to win a valuable prize but don’t particularly care for the prize itself.

Scan the contest’s fine print for provisions explicitly excluding transfers. If you can’t find any definitive language, ask the contest sponsor directly.

7. Sell or Gift Unwanted Merchandise Prizes

You might not want the tangible prize you just took home, but you can bet someone will.

There’s a ready market for durable, high-value prizes like cars. Maximize your shiny new auto’s value by selling it in a private-party transaction or take it to the dealer and offload it faster for a discount. Just be mindful of the tax consequences of these maneuvers. You may be required to pay tax on the fair market value of the car when you claim it and on the proceeds from its subsequent sale.

You can find a second life for lower-value prizes too. Amazon and eBay are great options to quickly and fairly sell unwanted merchandise. In many neighborhoods, garage sales also work well. If all else fails, donate prizes to a worthy charity or use them to build an emergency reserve of low-cost holiday gifts and birthday gifts.

8. Sell or Trade Unwanted Gift Card Prizes

The Internet is teeming with reputable platforms for buying and selling gift cards at a discount or face value. Two of the most popular sites are Raise.com and CardCash. Before selling your cards, compare offers from multiple sites to ensure you’re getting the best possible deal.


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