Buy and sell cryptocurrency
Trading in cryptocurrency involves buying digital currency such as Bitcoin, Ethereum and Litecoin for a specific price and selling it for a profit through platforms such as Coinbase exchange. Cryptocurrency is decentralised, meaning its exchanged directly from seller to buyer without the bank as the intermediary. In theory, crypto is therefore immune to government interference.
At the end of 2017, bitcoin reached its highest value ever, with a price of £17,000. If you’d invested in one bitcoin in 2015, it would have cost you only £215, showing just how lucrative crypto trade can be.
A foolproof understanding of your chosen currency is crucial to be successful in buying and selling crypto. You need to know the value and potential growth of each and observe market trends. Study past trends and read up on the history of the market – markets react in the same way in similar economic circumstances. Studying recent trends can help you predict future peaks and dips in market value in similar economic conditions.
Choose your cryptocurrency carefully. The four most popular currencies are Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum and Ripple. These tend to be the most secure, having been around for a while. To trade, you can use online platforms such as Kraken, Etoro and Bitcoin UK.
Trading online is never without risk. Many experienced traders took on large amounts of debt to invest in Bitcoin, and when the price fell dramatically, these traders were left with enormous debt. The essential takeaway here is never invest more than you have or can afford to risk.
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